Refers to graphics, where 24 binary digits are used to d escribe each pixel’s color. This allows pixels to be any of 16 .7 million colors, creating photo-realistic images. 24-bit images are usually referred to as “true color”.
Stands for Advanced Graphics Port. A dedicated data slot for graphics PC adapter. Older PC s have one such port.
Alpha Channel
Additional transparency channel with the same pixel size as the RGB plane, where white pixels represent totally opaque pixels in the RGB image, black pixels represent totally transparent areas, and gray values in between represent varying transparency.
Refers to a video signal, which is an electrical waveform, as opposed to digital video signal, represented by binary digits.
Specific algorithm dedicated to providing smooth color and luminance transition between image elements , thus avoiding visible jagged edges.
Stands for Audio-Video Interlaced. Standard Video for Windows media type, which may contain video, audio or both.
Refers to a source video, over which graphics or another video source will be overlaid.
Byte. A data measurement unit widely used in PC technologies.
Stands for BitMaP. The most popular Windows bitmap graphics format.
A common type of connector used in professional video equipment. It is characterized by a twist-release connect/disconnect function.
A pixel matrix, defining the color of each pixel from every column and row in a bitmap image.
Black Burst(BB)
A black video signal with color burst, used to time sync professional video equipment together to a master or reference sync source.
See B .
Stands for Compact Disc. Widely used data storage media. Fast and reliable. Typical data sizes are 650 or 700 MB .
One of the many CD -based formats. Write-once media.
One of the many CD -based formats. Usually printed in a plant, allowing read-only operations.
One of the many CD -based formats. Rewritable media.
Stands for Central Processing Unit. The computer’s microprocessor chip, the “brain” of the computer system. Its speed is measured in MHz or GHz. The more MHz the better the performance of the CPU .
Stands for Character Generator. Productions tool that overlays letters and graphics over video.
An image consisting black & white squares, dedicated as a general background for previewing semi-transparent graphics.
The color portion of a video signal, relating to the hue and saturation of the image. Technically, it is the “U” and “V” in YUV .
Comes from COder/DECoder. Usually, a piece of software, coding and decoding certain compressed stream of data.
Commonly used to indicate the RS232 port of the PC
Component Video
A video signal maintaining separation of the YUV components for high-quality video distribution & recording.
Composite Video
A video signal, in which the luminance and chrominance have been combined into one signal. This type of signal has the advantage of single-wire connectivity, but the disadvantage of having image artifacts such as color dot crawl.
A technology of reducing large amounts of data by discarding redundancy and less important information. If the source data can be restored at 100% from the result data, then it is lossless compression. If there is information which can not be restored, then it is a lost compression, typically used in video and audio compression methods.
A standard type of 9-pin connector used in computer and video equipment mostly on serial ports ( RS-232 ) or serial VTR control ports ( RS-422 ). The connector has two rows of pins, one with five and the other with four.
A standard type of 15-pin connector used in computer and projection equipment mostly on graphics ports ( VGA , SVGA, XGA, etc.). The connector has three rows of pins, each with five pins.
Usually software choices have a default one, which is considered to be mostly used, and therefore can be (semi)automatically chosen. This helps inexperienced user to avoid taking decisions, which they are not prepared for.
Refers to a video signal, described by a rapid sequence of binary digits, as opposed to analogue video signals, which are represented by electrical waveforms.
Part of Microsoft DirectX , related to video capturing and playback.
Part of Microsoft DirectX , related to audio capture and management.
A standard multimedia extension to Microsoft Windows platforms. It allows you to perform multimedia functions such a s audio & video capturing, overlay, etc. It is widely used for 3D rendering in games also.
Refers to software, dedicated to communicating and control li ng particular hardware device in the computer system.
Stands for Disk Operating System. The first OS running on x86 - based PC s. Would run flawlessly at any low-performance and old x86-based PC .
Floppy Disk
A small magnetic media, widely used for software/data backup and exchange. Usually its formatted size is either 720KB or 1.44MB.
A source video or graphics which will be keyed over the background.
Stands for Frames-Per-Second. The number of frames contained in a second of video or film footage. PAL video runs a t 25 fps , while NTSC video runs at 29.97 fps . The frame rate of 35mm a n d 16mm film is 24 fps .
A complete screen of visual information on a video display. Usually consists of 2 fields, see Interlacing .
A VTR ’s ability to make accurate edits, precisely on the correct frame of video. Typically, frame-accurate VTR s with time code are used in editing.
Frame Buffer
A dedicated hardware board with special video buffer, compliant with broadcast standard and resolution.
Stands for Graphical User Interface. The operating environment for the software user.
Professional video equipment usually works synchronously, by using a master or reference timing signal. This may be an actual video signal or blackburst. Genlocking is typically accomplished by connecting a cable from the master sync generator output to an input on the device labelled “ Genlock In” or “BBin”. The genlocked device then generates each line and field of video in time with the master sync signal. The sources are then referred to as being synchronous.
An abbreviation for Hertz, a frequency measurement un t used to indicate one cycle per second.
Physical components that make up a computer, monitor, printer, etc.
The particular shade of color.
A tiny picture that represents an object – a program, file, or picture – making it easier to figure out the object’s purpose.
A method of scanning alternate lines of pixels on a display screen. The odd lines are scanned first from top to bottom a n d left to right. The electron gun then goes back to the top and makes a second pass scanning the even lines.
Stands for Longitudinal TimeCode. Audio-encoded timecode.
The black-and-white portion of the video signal. It is the “ Y ” in
Stands for Low Voltage Differential. A type of hard drive interface connection.
Megabyte. 1024 Bytes .
Megahertz. A frequency measurement unit indicating one million cycles per second. Usually CPU speeds are measured in MHz .
Stands for National Television Standards Committee. The television standard used in North America and Japan. It defines a 525-line interlaced signal running at 29.97 fps .
Stands for Operating System. A base piece of software, required by every PC . It controls all available hardware devices.
The invisible part of the video signal, which size varies in relation to particular TV set make and model. Usually about 10% of the whole area.
Stands for Phase Alternating Line. The television standard used throughout most of the world with the exception of North America and Japan. It defines a 625-line interlaced signal running at 25 fps .
Stands for Personal Computer. A microcomputer, dedicated to perform particular tasks. Depending on its power, a PC can b e a Desktop PC , Workstation, Server, etc.
A common PC interface path dedicated to fast data transfers between peripheral hardware devices.
Stands for Portable Document Format. A widely used electronic document distribution.
The smallest unit of an image. It holds information for its luminance and chrominance values. The image comprises a matrix of pixels with certain dimensions. For example, a PAL video image, according to ITU-R601 has 720 vertical and 576 horizontal lines of pixels, a matrix of about 414,000 pixel elements.
Refers to an additional video output, called “Preview Out”, where the operator and technical director prepare the next shot before taking it to air on the “Program Out”.
Stands for Random Access Memory. Active, but temporary computer memory. RAM information is lost when the computer is powered off. As opposed to ROM .
Re-executes the latest undone command. See Undo .
Stands for Red, Green, and Blue. The three additive primary colors used to construct images.
Stands for Read-Only Memory. Permanent computer data o n a chip. As opposed to RAM . There are many industry standards f o r media, holding ROM as part of the name, thus showing the media is a reading-only media, such as CD-ROM , DVD- ROM , etc.
A serial connection protocol used in computer and video equipment to connect devices for remote control and diagnostics. Typically uses a DB-9 male panel connector.
A serial connection protocol used in video equipment to connect devices with editing control and time code exchange. Typically uses a DB-9 female panel connector.
The area of the video signal, which is visible at all types and brands of video monitors and TV sets, and there is no risk that the text there will be unreadable.
The amount of color present in a picture or pixel.
Stands for Small Computer Systems Interface. An interface chain consisting of a 50- or 68-pin cable and a protocol for sending and receiving commands. SCSI cables are used to connect computers and peripheral devices, such as hard disk drives. There are different SCSI implementations such as SCSI -1 , Fast SCSI -2, Ultra SCSI , Ultra2 SCSI , Ultra160, etc. The type of cables used determines whether it is Differential, LVD , etc.
Stands for Séquential couleur à Mémoire. A television standard that, like PAL , has a frame rate of 25 fps with a similar scan rate. SECAM is primarily used in Eastern Europe and France. Today, in SECAM countries, most video is actually produced in PAL or component, and transcoded to SECAM for final broadcast.
The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers.
Refers to analog video signal that has separated luminance (“Y”) and chrominance(“C”) components. This reduces dot crawl and other artifacts associated with composite video .
Computer components with no real physical form. Software is series of instructions that can be written into memory devices such as chips, disks, CD s, etc., but is considered intangible , as opposed to hardware.
A graphics image file format, which can store the alpha channel
as a separate channel in the same file.
A signal that is recorded onto videotape that identifies each video frame. Timecode takes the form of hours, minutes, seconds, and frames. LTC is recorded onto an audio track. VITC is recorded onto a non-visible line of video at the upper part of the overscan area.
Cancel the last done operation. You may Redo this operation again.
Stands for Universal Serial Bus. A common standard for serial communications allowing speeds up to 8 Mbit/sec (v.1.1) and 480 Mbit/sec (v.2.0).
Stands for Video Cassette Recorder. Most often, VCR refers to consumer machines.
Stands for Video Graphics Array. An add-in circuit board that displays the PC interface on a computer screen.
Stands for Video Home System. A consumer videotape system used widely over the past century for all kinds of home and offline operations
Stands for Vertical Interval TimeCode. Video picture encoded timecode which is extremely accurate.
Stands for Video Tape Recorder. Refers to a professional deck with time code and time base correctors, as opposed to VCR .
Stands for What You See Is What You Get. Refers to a very high-quality preview of what you will get after the editing is done.
See S-Video.
See Component Video.