User guide

Main Subtitle Area

Main Subtitle Area
This is where most of the work is done. In this area you are able to enter and edit subtitle text, subtitle IDs and subtitle time cues. You can add comments and also preview the actual layout of a subtitle on the screen when in Presentation Mode. You may easily navigate in this area by using several methods: dragging with the third mouse (scroll) button; dragging with the left mouse button over the black vertical line at the left side; pressing PageUp and PageDown...
Sample of Subtitle Area when in Presentation Mode
Sample of Subtitle Area when not in Presentation Mode
The text you see here represents the actual look of your subtitles (note: some styles and formatting are not supported by some file export formats). If to broadcast, export video with subtitles, or do any form of Live, this is exactly how they will be displayed. Please refer to the related pages regarding the Font, Style, Region.
All the data in all the columns is editable. The same way you can edit text, you can also alter the timings, subtitle number/ID or a comment. Comments are a useful and convenient way to leave a note, either to yourself or to anybody else. They are commonly used to point to something that needs checking, possible error or needs improvement.
Subtitles containing comments will be marked by a red flag, both in the main area as well as in the Mini Subtitles (Minititles). When in Presentation Mode, a Comment will be in the upper left area. In addition to the existing functionalities, another helpful notification has been added - on the Minititles area, a subtitle containing no text will have dots mark (...) for convenience.


1. Comment
Show subtitle comment if there is one. Click to edit it.

Line character counters

2. Line character counters Show character counters of each subtitle row. You can choose what format and information to be used in Preferences.

Horizontal Position

3. Horizontal Position
Drag it to change subtitle's horizontal position. You can Ctrl+click and drag inside editor area in Presentation Mode to freely position the subtitle on the screen.

Vertical Position

4. Vertical Position
Drag it to change the vertical position.

Wrong Interval

5. Wrong Interval
Shows interval not within allowed limits.

Reading Position

6. Reading Position
Shows relative reading position in time.

Reading Success

7. Reading Success
Shows relative reading duration. When in red zone, the duration is too short, in green zone is OK, in the yellow zone the duration is too long.

True Duration

8. True Duration
Shows the ideal calculated duration based on the reading speed.

Total Character Counter

9. Total Character Counter
Shows the Total Length of subtitle's text

Actual Reading Speed

10. Actual Reading Speed
Shows Reading Speed as calculated from title's text and time

Problems Indicator

11. Problems Indicator
Indicates that there are discrepancies with the timing or content limitations.

Good Interval

12. Good Interval
Shows interval that is within allowed limits

Presentation Mode switch

13. Presentation Mode switch
Click it to switch Presentation Mode on or off

Editor Drag Handle

14. Editor Drag Handle
Click and Drag this handle to move your editing area up or down.


15. In-Cue
You can click on it to start editing. You may use the mouse wheel when hovering over it to directly increase or decrease the timecode.


16. Duration
Click to edit.


17. Out-Cue
Click to edit or set.

Out-Cue or Duration

18. Out-Cue or Duration
Click to edit or set. Switch between showing Out-Cue or Duration by clicking the column header.

Subtitle's ID/Nmb.

19. Subtitle's ID/Nmb.
Click to edit.

Reading Progress Indicator

20. Reading Progress Indicator
Shows the relative progress of the reading.